Thursday, October 11, 2012

The "P" Word

Some people would call me a talker and I would agree, some would call me a pretty deep person and I would agree, and some could call me even a bit nosy which I would also agree!  Ms. “chatter box” over here can talk to anyone about anything.  This could be both a strength and a weakness in my personality.  I have always wished I could be that girl that was a mystery. People would look at me and say, “I wonder what she’s thinking?”


You can read me like a book and if not, then all you have to do is ask.  

The ONE subject, although, that I avoid is… can you guess?  

Yep, the "P" word… Politics.  I have probably had less than five political discussions in all my life about my political beliefs.

Growing up, politics was not a topic of discussion in my house.  I don’t know if it was because my parents may have opposing views, or may have wanted to avoid these intense convos, but whatever the reason was/is we simply did/do not talk about it.  I honestly am not even sure where Brett, my mom, and Jessi sit on some issues! 


My parents did teach me a couple valuable things…  They taught me the importance of voting and to always be proud of your country no matter what political party you are apart of (if any). 

I want to give you all a little insight on what people think about The United States Presidential Election in this neck of the woods.  It’s ALL they talk about!  As soon as I say I'm from America, people ask me “who are you going to vote for?” or “who do you think is going to win?”  I'm having to be reminded by Italians to watch the debate or latest speech on You Tube. This election is NOT just impacting American citizens but the whole world! 

We don’t watch the news in America to see an election going on in other countries, or depend on another country to help THEIR economic crisis that some say is worse than ours. They are just as antsy about this election as we are.  I guess I just didn’t fully understand how important the United States is to this world.  I know we all learn this in school, but to be all the way in Italy and see their reaction everyday when I say where I’m from … pride overwhelms me.   

People on Facebook have been writing about their views/beliefs. About which President they would like to win. Some people are becoming pretty upset about others pushing their beliefs on the internet for everyone to see.  At times, I am sick of it too, BUT then I thought about it… freedom of beliefs, freedom of speech....What a glorious thing!

No matter whether you talk about the “P” word or not, just realize what a PRIVILIDGE it is to vote.  My friend Felix always jokes with me when he says my passport is “a hot ticket” :)  There are people dying to get their hands on one.

I am SO proud to be an American… maybe more than ever before.  Like I said, the whole world is watching this election, except WE have the power to vote.  If I'm doing it from way over here then you sure as heck can do it at home. 

God Bless. Thank you and goodnight.

Speech from,
Melissa Wilson

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